Nothing cheers me up like a fabulous video, my people, and today, you get THREE!
Richard Armitage Shills
Usually, I don't like it when celebrities whore themselves out to corporations, for a whole host of reasons, like "Don't you motherfuckers make enough money already?" and "Aren't you supposed to be obnoxiously idealistic about your little 'artistic integrity' or some shit?"
But in the case of Richard Armitage, I'm willing to make an exception. Listen and melt, kidz. Listen and melt.
Le sigh.
Richard Armitage Chills
Do you see how I did that? I made the headings rhyme! WHOA!
So some of the pictures in this fanvid are a little ooky, but OHMEHGAWD that voice! Yes, please, Richard Armitage, do read me a Ted Hughes poem! *flutters fan* *clutches smelling salts*
I'll give you a moment to recover.
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Are you ready? Okay, now it's TOTALLY ANERABLE KITTEH TIME!
Kitteh Locates Hole in Space-Time Continuum
On THAT note, have a fabby weekend. Do lots of things I wouldn't do. And holla back on Monday.